The in-depth interview (IDI) is a qualitative research method that utilizes a moderator to garner information from one respondent, either in person or over the telephone/Internet. Market researchers frequently turn to IDI as a first step during business-to-business (B2B) research encounters. The one-on-one format promotes an intimacy that other qualitative measures (such as focus groups and surveys) can’t engender, making IDIs especially suited for gathering information on sensitive topics or when researchers want opinions from industry experts. The private nature of the setting allows the moderator to evaluate respondent behavior, including voice tone and body language (if they are face-to-face encounters and not telephone ones). He or she is also able to answer respondent questions and clarify their responses or probe for further information when necessary.

IDIs are a cornerstone of qualitative research.  QRCs have relied upon them for more than a half century to elicit information from consumers.  IDI’s can be referred to by several different names, all of which denote the same research technique:

  • individual interviews
  • in-depth interviews
  • individual depth interviews
  • individual face-to-face interviews

But what they all have in common is that they are conducted by one interviewer with one respondent.